This month's event had a few firsts. The night began with a demonstration of how to make a smoothie, and attendees were all treated to a taste. Dr. Kachmann loves smoothies. He has one every day, and recommends you do the same because they're full of nutrients that help you fight off disease while making you feel full.
Last month, Sheila from Three Rivers Pharmacy donated a Ninja blender that was raffled off after the lecture. This month, she brought two. But that wasn't the end of the prizes. Dr. Kachmann also gave out copies of his books to a few lucky ticket holders.
As usual, the lecture itself focused on the fascinating science behind the mind-body connection and how you can use it to avoid not just cancer, but myriad other diseases. We've all heard at least one part of the main message: you can reduce your risk of developing cancer by
1) Exercising

2) Eating right
3) Avoiding toxins (like UV rays from the sun, and of course cigarette smoke).
But Dr. Kachmann has another message for us all, one he captured in a wonderful metaphor:
"Life is like the stock market - full of ups and downs - and we have to learn to manage the stress because our every thought is rewriting our genes, determining which ones get expressed."
And if there's one central theme when it comes to accomplishing this kind of management, it's this:
"You've got to have a purpose - the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. That's why I'm so doggone lucky, because I get come here and help all of you be healthy and live happier lives."
That pretty much says it all. Thank you Dr. Kachmann. We couldn't be more grateful.
To make sure you don't miss the next lecture, sign up for the newsletter. Just follow this link and type in your email address and you'll get updates in your inbox.
And it wouldn't have been a Kachmann event without an afterparty at Chappell's, where once again Dr. Kachmann serenaded his admiring audience.
You can see Dr. Kachmann's Access TV Shows Mondays at 6:30 pm or Wednesdays at 6:00 pm on Comcast channel 57.
You can hear him on the radio at 95.7 WELT on Tuesdays at 12:00 pm and Thursdays at 8:00 am.
You can attend one of his monthly evening lectures at the Kachmann Auditorium in Lutheran Hospital (check Facebook for event details).
Or you can visit him after 9:00 am on Fridays at Three Rivers Pharmacy on North Anthony, where he gives free consultations.